Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pyramidvastu bangalore....Selection of site,road,extensions,

Selection of site:-

  1. Site should be square  in shape. Square shaped site ensures all round prosperity and good results.
  2. Sites can also be rectangular in shape. Rectangular shaped ste too ensures all round prosperity and good results.
  3. In square or rectangular shaped sites, the North South and East West axis should be in alignment with the boundary.
  4. Site with deflected North South axis is not good but deflection upto 10 degrees is tolerable.
  5. Sites of triangular, circular shapes, those with five corners, Hexagon, Octagon or  Polygon shapes or of irregular shapes are not good and should be avoided.
  6. Angle of South-West  corner should be  90 degrees, that of North East can be less than 90 degree, and those of North-West and South-East can be little more than 90 degrees.
  7. Location of site, its surroundings, environment  etc., should considered when selecting the site.
  8. Soil conditions, its texture, colour , load bearing capacity whether filled up or natural etc., should also be considered.
  9. Site should slope  from South to North from West to East and from South-West to North-East.
    1. Elevated East means loss of progeny and depressed, East means wealth, long life and fame.
    2. Elevated South ensures good health and prosperity and depressed, South causes sickness and poverty.
    3. Elevated West ushers in name, fame and good children and depressed West results in ill health and loss of children.
    4. Elevated North drives away wealth and depressed North brings in wealth.
  10. North-East corner of the site should be the lowest; North-West corner should be little higher than North-East followed by South-East. South-West corner should be the highest.
    1. South-East higher than South-west is bad, higher than North-East and North-West brings in wealth. Lower than North-West and North-East will cause accidents, criminal mind and rivalry.
    2. Elevated South-West ensures all round progress fame. Depressed South-West causes prolonged sickness, premature death and various other problems.
    3. North-West higher than North-East means all round success and wealth, but it should not higher than South-East and South-West, North-West lower than North-East causes rivalry, ill health  and misery.
  11. Sites with mounds, hills, tall buildings in West and  South should be selected and sites with the same in East and North should be rejected.

contact for more details.......

or call me for more details................+91 98 79 77 22 44

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